So, you’ve sought us out on the internet, but would like to know more about what to expect before seeking us out in person. Here are some answers to some common questions:

What should you wear? We have members that wear blue jeans and we have some that wear dressier clothes. You won’t feel out of place whether you dress up or come casual. We gather to simply worship, learn and fellowship.

What kind of music do you have? We enjoy singing hymns from the hymnal. We use acoustical instruments mainly the piano. In the past we have had guitars, banjos and even a dobro. We welcome folks to use their talents for the glory of God.

How often do you have observe The Lord’s Supper and is it open or closed? We observe The Lord’s Supper (communion) every Sunday – and all who believe in Jesus, no matter what their church affiliation or background, are welcome to partake. It is the Lord’s table and He is the One who invites us to come to the table.

How long does your Worship Service last? As a general rule, it begins at 10:30 a.m. and is over by 11:45.

I see you have the time posted for the Worship Service – do you have Sunday School or a midweek Bible Study? Several of our members attend a home Bible Study before the worship service. All are invited. Pastor Eddie Miller is working on organizing a midweek morning Bible Study.